Defining the Streaming Database

Defining the Streaming Database

The world is flooded with the Internet of Things (IoT)

The tiny computers energize the managers and engineers with the possibility of using all this data that can control everything from industrial plants to a personal residence. The database administrators are not very happy because they have to work to gather, store and analyze this unending stream of bits. Some programmers and DBAs are toiling to develop pipelines that can accept, analyze, and store the important bits. These so-called streaming databases are tools. They manage the unstoppable incoming flow and the endless query that want to make decisions based on the data. 

What is a streaming database?

The streaming database is a close cousin to new categories of tools like time-series database or log database. They monitor a series of events. They enable queries that search and deliver a statistical analysis of the blocks of time. The streaming database responds to queries for data and statistics about data, generates reports from the queries, and populates the dashboards that manage the events and allow the users to make smart decisions. 

The tools are pipelines that start the analysis of incoming data flow and store the aggregated data in a database that can be easily queried. Some consider the streaming database as the entire system. While some imagine the system is developed by the attachment of a pipeline with a traditional database.

The system is ready to answer the queries in both cases. Below are a few examples of important use cases:

Data splitting:

The algorithm splits the data into two tiers. The raw input is often termed as streams is an immutable sequence of events. That is a historical record of the details and timings of the events.  The second layer is built by watching the streams and constructing a statistical summary about the events. They count the number of times an event happened each year over the last month or determine the average value over each week in a year. 

The analysis is usually stored in tables that are similar in structure and behavior to traditional relational databases. It is common for developers to connect a traditional database for these kinds of results. Some streaming databases are designed to significantly reduce the size of the data to save the storage cost. For instance, they can replace a value collected every second with an average computed over a day. Storing the average makes long-term tracking and management economically practical.

Streaming opens some of the insides of a traditional database. Standard databases track a stream of events but they are limited to alterations in data records. The sequence of insert, update and delete and stored in a hidden journal or ledger. Frequently the developers cannot directly access these streams. They can only access the tables that show the recent values.

Streaming databases open up the flow and make it simpler for developers to adjust with the new data integration. Developers can adjust the streams from new data and how they are turned into tabular summaries. This ensures that the right values are computed and committed while the unnecessary information is eliminated. The opportunity to tune the data pipeline allows the streaming database to handle significantly large data sets.

How traditional databases are adapting?

The traditional database finds a role in streaming applications but as a destination that lies downstream. The data flows through another tool that analyzes and generates enhanced and concise values for more permanent storage within a traditional database. When we consider Oracle streams they can be deployed as a service or as an on-premise installation. It will gather and transform data that come from various sources and deposit it with other services that include their database. The message format has to be compatible with Apache Kafka that allows it to be integrated with other Kafka applications.

The IBM product also called Streams, emphasizes the analytical power of the pipeline that provides integration with the machine learning products. It is compatible with Kafka and deposits the results in various destinations which include IBM’s data warehouse.

Stream analytics from Microsoft emphasizes the analytics that occurs from the event’s first appearance to its eventual destination which can be the Azure storage solution including SQL database. The processing is written in SQL-like language and incorporation of other common languages like JavaScript may train machine learning models via Azure’s ML service. The SQL dialect includes temporal constraints to transform the incoming data which usually tracks the date and time. The Azure Stream Analytics service is tightly integrated with Microsoft AI services to use machine learning and video analytics for the deconstruction of the data stream. It provides an SQL-like syntax that can be extended with code written in JavaScript or C#.

What about the upstarts?

New companies tackle the difficulty by building entirely integrated tools for creating a stream handling layer that works with existing databases. Those that provide integration with existing infrastructure can leverage The other compatible tools while the new versions have the advantage of building everything from ground zero. Many tools which provide integration with existing databases are built on Apache Kafka. Apache Kafka is an open-source message handling framework that’s used to link multiple software packages.

Kafka handles the buffering and delivering the messages that contain the events. This buffering requires the storage of the stream of events which makes Kafka a very basic database that eventually provides data to another.

Equalum offers a tool that transforms a data stream on the route to a data warehouse or data lake by using a traditional database. It is built on an open-source foundation of Apache Kafka and Spark. It offers a simplified visual coding framework. The data pathway can be defined in the form of a flowchart.

The developers who enjoy working with SQL will appreciate ksqlDB which is the tool to ingest and store data that uses SQL for major tasks. Q“Use a familiar, lightweight syntax to pack a powerful punch,” the sales literature promises. “Capture, process, and serve queries using only SQL. It does not require any other languages or services.”

The tight integration of the tool with Kafka ensures simple installation within existing applications. Amazon calls its product Kinesis and offers special pre-configured pathways to work with video feeds. It is integrated with some of AWS’s AI tools like Rekognition for video analysis and SageMaker for fundamental machine learning.

The challenges with streaming database:

Streaming databases are supersets of traditional models. If the traditional insert and delete functions as events are considered, then any standard application can be handled by streaming cousins. A lot of overhead is wasted if the application does not need constantly evolving analysis. Many streaming databases offer less traditional functions or API because their basic job is to tame the endless flow of incoming data. They may not provide complex views or elaborate joins for the incoming data. The database will have all the features associated with it if the results are stored in a more traditional relational database.

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