Fastic App Review: An amazing app for intermittent fasting

Fastic is an amazing app designed to help users with their intermittent fasting journey

What Is a Fastic App?

Fastic app is an amazing app designed to help users with their intermittent fasting journey. It is like a diary whenever anyone fasts  – it’s an amazing tool that will track your progress, keep users accountable and make it fun at the same time. The app itself is completely free but if users want they can upgrade to the plus feature which will give users many more resources f.e. on nutrition or meal plans (which can be vegan or not).

When users download the app they can simply add this information, like age, height, weight, etc., and even about their fasting goal (whether that’s weight loss or better energy levels) and start fasting from there.

It will then send users daily reminders about when they should be eating and fasting window starts and ends, it tracks their weight loss progress, how much water they drink, how many steps users take in a day, and can even add buddies so you can fast with user’s friends or family together. It also presents them with challenges from time to time and has lots of extra information on the lifestyle itself.

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Fastic App Review
Fastic App Review

Features Of The App

Why Choose Fastic App?

Fastic has more than 400 recipe ideas that feature healthy, filling ingredients to help users make the most of their eating windows. It also gives user’s info on what their body is doing during their fast and has features like a step counter and access to a large community of fellow fasters.

This app is great with keeping track of how long user’s have been fasting, and the feature of it alerting when the fasting is over is great as well. Users might not need an upgrade from the free version because honestly it is just what users need something to help them track, and that’s exactly what this is.

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Frequently Asked Questions About The App

Users can secure their series of flames with Frosties. If users want to give it a break for a day or forget about their fasting phase, the Frosty will ensure that users will not lose the series of flames. Users can activate their Frosty by clicking on the icon in the top right corner.

Users can find their User ID in the Fastic app. Go to the Profile tab (it will say your name) and click on the Settings wheel symbol in the top right corner. Here they’ll find all the important information about their account, terms and conditions, the Help Center, and User ID.

Users can change the measurement system in your Fastic app. Go to the Profile tab (it will say your name) and click on the settings wheel symbol in the top right corner. Click “Account Details.” From here they can select their measurement system.

Download the Fastic App




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