The majority of people who consume digital media are using desktops or mobile phones. Both of these platforms have a significantly higher number of users looking forward to consuming content and getting on with their life. A desktop is handy and useful basically for accessing web pages and other informative content. A mobile phone provides the convenience of getting a great user experience and a seamless interaction for mobile applications.
The technology used by mobile phones and their digital devices is slowly and steadily gaining popularity with the huge number of advancements being happening into this vertical, Expectations of people to use this technology goes up even higher.
Many people are spending time on mobile phones and smartphones to get things done without having any issues and this number is growing day by day. Because of this reason, the importance and significance of user interface and User experience go up even higher.
The mobile smartphone market has witnessed a huge growth in recent times with many people are opting for smartphones or mobile phones over the traditional desktop platform. the number of phone users all around the world Is about 200 billion. This number is expected to reach greater than 250 billion by the end of 2022. Mobile phones are acting as a touchpoint for a large number of consumers and customers. This act provides the facility of a digital touchpoint that can be accessed by a large number of people.
People are eager to use a mobile phone because of the various functions and features that it has to offer as well as the quick convenience that it provides to get things done.
In this era of digitization, the mobile experience is of extreme importance to users and it has faced competition from rival technologies. So in order to survive, in this competitive market, you need to have a solid backbone of User Experience and User Interface designing skills in your bag. It is significant that mobile applications should have an impactful influence on the minds of consumers and customers
What is UI or User Interface?
The abbreviation of UI stands for user interface, and it is that part of the software or application that we can visually see. It is the way through which users can perform different actions and provide interaction with the application to get things done. A user interface typically consists of different kinds of elements such as buttons, blocks, form, text boxes, fonts, images. All of these elements typically dictate the user interface field that it has to offer to a different amount of users interacting with the application.
The main objective of the user interface is to enable an easy enjoyable and effective interaction for the user of the application and enable easy interaction between the user and app. The process of designing a user interface includes selecting a particular color, particular establishing a corporate identity, and includes the implementation of the latest design principles.
What is UX?
Abbreviation of UX stands for User experience. The main idea of User experience is to enable and provide users with a seamless mode of interaction that is mainly hassle-free for any kind of apps or device that the user uses. It has to provide the best experience possible for a different amount of users so that the user may enjoy the app and take full advantage of interacting with it.
Creating a User experience provides a definite way where the product meets the user and fulfills all the requirements of the user. The User Experience for mobile apps has to be clear, comfortable, user-friendly and should work for the benefit of the user. This helps to turn first-time customers into loyal customers for the apps being used by the customer.
Importance of UI/UX in Mobile Apps
If you are a developer or a designer, the significance and importance of user interface and User experience become highly important and pivotal to you and your business. You may create Apps that have great functionality, but if you failed to provide an emphasis on the designing part, the path then this can easily lead to the downfall of your app. It is highly important and mandatory to have a Right Mix and balance between the functionality of your app and an elegant and convincing User experience. All of these objectives play a fundamental role in underlying the success of your app.
Here are a few pointers to highlight how important it is to use fundamental user interface and User experience principles in designing mobile app:
- Captivates Users:
The first crucial seconds when your user opens the mobile app for the first time are of high importance to you. In these few seconds, your App must be able to have a lasting impression on your app. It is said that the first impression is always the last impression and therefore, if your app is not compelling enough for the user to use, then it can lead to the user uninstalling the app and switching to other competitive apps. If the users find the apps easy to use and enchanting things then they may use your app for a long long time
- Elevated Customer Complacency and Increased ROI:
When your app has been carefully designed to have an impeccable user interface, and and and chanting User experience along with catchy content and easy navigation. These factors go into providing a seamless User experience that is not only user-friendly but also quite admirable for the user. A happy user is a satisfied user and therefore ensures that your first impression is always a pleasing one to the customer and consumer.
- Preserves Time AND money:
If you spend time creating a magnificent user interface and User experience for the customer, then your customers will discover a flawless product to use that has convenient and convincing features. All of these have a lasting impact on the minds of the customer. Investment now in a careful design and User experience will lead to a better User impression and therefore attract more consumers for your product(app).
- Boost your Brand:
When you invest in a great user experience and an impeccable user interface design, all of the factors tend to provide greater satisfaction to consumers and customers using your product. Users will be happy to stay with your brand and the reviews provided by this user will infect attract more users, which translates into more sales for your product.
Tips to Improve User Experience
- Maintain Uniformity: It is essential that your designs provide a uniform level and consistent level of thoroughness within the app. A consistent design help users to be familiar with the app making it easy for users to use it.
- Provide High Responsiveness: Ensure that your app provides high performance even in the most demanding conditions, as this plays an important role in satisfying the user. typically your App must load within 2 seconds of a user performing an operation.
- Use Conventional elements: It is best if you use typical conventional elements in your App design as this helps to save time in getting the user familiar with your app. The user should not need any extra guidelines about how to use the app.
- Make App highly interactive: An interactive app goes a long way in providing a connection between your users and the brand. Having an interactive app provides the users and easy navigation from one window to the other.
- Use minimalistic approach: Having a minimalistic approach for any app design plays a significant role as the user has fewer things to manage for making an app less complicated and easy to use.
User interface and User experience (UI/UX) is critical factor that determines the success of your mobile app. In order to get your app to be successful, it is Essential that app developers abide by the guidelines set forward towards designing an elegant User experience, and an enchanting user interface. These factors have the ability to either make or break your product. so in this competitive world to stay ahead of your Rivals, you should ensure that your user interface and User experience design are flawless for your product.