Nasscom Product Conclave 2017 : An annual event conducted by NASSCOM | 2-3 November 2017
[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Overview
India is being propelled towards a 4th Industrial Revolution arising out of the assimilation of digitization and technology. Every business in India, irrespective of its size is heavily investing in technology like never before, spanning across all sectors from Retail/Ecommerce to Banking, from Manufacturing to Healthcare, Telco and every other industry and vertical.
Since India is catching up fast with the Western World, there is often little to no baggage of legacy to contend with, which is an opportunity for India to leapfrog their western counterparts in terms of investing in the next-generation of technologies, systems and products whether in the realm of Big Data & Analytics, Cloud/SaaS, AI, VR, AR, Robotics or IoT.
With India’s GDP growth rate amongst the highest in the World, the size and volume of the market (both Enterprise and Consumer/Internet), and appetite for spend, India may soon mirror the innovation and technology build-out that preceded Silicon Valley as the hotbed of global technology innovation that started in the 50s 60s on the back of the US Govt, Defense and Industry spend. The key is to drive creativity in a structural manner that facilitates innovation in digital transformation.
At NPC ’17, come learn what are the latest technologies, products, and companies that will fuel this revolution and what kinds of businesses will lead their adoption.
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””] What to Expect at NPC2017?
Apart from investment guidance, product showcase, marque speaker line up from Academia and industry. You can go to this event for good networking opportunity. For the complete agenda click here .
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””] Where?
The event is being organised at Taj Vivanta Yeshwantpur, Bangalore, The complete address is :
2275, Taj Vivanta, Tumkur Road,
Yeshwantpur, Bangalore,
Karnataka – 560022
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””] Registration
[button color=”red” size=”big” link=”” icon=”” target=”true” nofollow=”true”] Click Here to Register[/button]