You’ve come up with a great app idea and now you need to build it. But what if your technical skills are limited? Or what if your team is not as creative as you are? Then how can you get the best out of your UI designers so that they can create a beautiful user interface for your app?
If you’re new to designing user interfaces, there are many things that you should know about working with UI designers. This blog post will give you insights into how to work with UI designers from an app developer’s perspective.
What do UI designers do?
UI designers are responsible for creating the visual designs of apps. They work closely with the UI developer to make sure everything aligns. They understand the user’s requirements and make decisions based on these requirements.
This includes understanding the problem the business is trying to solve, the different ways that the app can solve this problem, making use of any data that the app collects, and then visualizing it in a way that makes sense for the user.
How does a developer work with UI designers?
You might have found a great UI designer for your app. But what happens next? How do you work together to create a beautiful user interface? This is where you as a developer have to be more engaged. You’re responsible for understanding the problem that your product solves for the end users.
Once you have a clear understanding of how users interact with your app, you can then discuss the design with your UI designers and see if there’s a way to implement it in the app. The best way to approach this is by creating a problem statement and user goals. A problem statement is a short description of the problem that your app is trying to solve.

Define problem statement and user goals
Start off by defining your problem statement. What is the problem that your app is trying to solve? What is the specific problem that you want your UI design to solve? What is the specific goal that your app is trying to solve? It’s important to define what your app is trying to do for users.
You don’t have to focus on the technical aspects of your app, but you have to understand what it is that your app is trying to solve for users. This will help you and your UI designers come up with better design solutions.
Brainstorm ideas with stakeholders
Once you have a clear understanding of your problem statement, you can brainstorm ideas for solving it. What are the different ways you can solve this problem? How can you implement your user goals into the design? What visual solutions can you come up with? You may be surprised by the various visual solutions that you can come up with. This will help you understand how your app can work under different scenarios.
Sketch your ideas with wireframes
Now that you have an idea of how you can implement your visual design, you can sketch it out. Sketch out how your app will look when you’re done implementing your design. This will help your UI designers understand how you want your app to look. It will also help you understand how your desired design will look if your designers follow your sketch. This will help you understand any issues that your design has and help you rectify them.

Discuss practical aspects of design with app users
Now that you have your design sketched out, you can discuss the practical aspects of your design with your app users. What do you need to get for a working prototype? What do you need for your design to look good under different scenarios? What are the controls that you want to incorporate in your app? These are the things that you should discuss with your app users.
Final notes
Working with UI designers can be an exciting experience. But like any other project, it’s important to get the right person for the job. If you don’t understand the basics of working with UI designers, then you might end up working with a designer who doesn’t know how to communicate with developers. That’s why it’s important for app developers to understand how UI designers work.