What is MoboReader App?
MoboReader app helps you read your favorite books of fiction, romance, fantasy, mafia, CEO, martial world, and any other genres you are looking for. The app has many genres of books available and you can read them anywhere at any time. The app gives you free trials of chapters to read of a book before reading the whole book. There are offers going on in the app always that allow you to read the whole book for free for a limited time.
MoboReader was developed and managed by a very talented team of Changdu Technology USA Co. Ltd. and the app is updated very frequently. This app is breaking records with millions of downloads by the users. The app does not hinder any other applications running on your phone. It uses a secure, enterprise-grade environment. It ensures that your data is safe and nothing is shared with any other application.
Main Highlights:
- Free trial reading chapters and episodes of any books
- Limited-time offer to read the whole books for free
- Daily free coins to unlock any ebooks and chapters
- Many new chapters and books added daily
Features of the MoboReader App
- The app lets you have a library of your own for the stories you love. It lets you read in the way as if you are reading a real paper book. You can freely change and adjust the text size, font, color, background, and more.
- Moreover, the app lets you read the books offline as well. You can save the web novel stories for the reader to enjoy reading even when you’re offline. You can also listen to the e-books with the app’s easy-to-use audiobook player.
- Furthermore, the app has a pdf reader that allows you to import and upload books from your phone and computer, and read EPUB files, PDF files, txt documents, and other 30 file formats of the e-book.
Why MoboReader App?
MoboReader app helps you read your favorite novels online as well as offline. The app has many genres to choose from and you can read them any time. The app also lets you earn coins to unlock new chapters every day. It provides a simple clean interface and visuals and makes it easier for the users to work with. It is secured and safe for everyone to use.
MoboReader App Reviews on the App Store
Frequently Asked Questions About MoboReader App
- Is the app completely free?
No, the app is not completely free on the App Store.
- Is the app secure?
Yes, the app is secure as it doesn’t store any personal information and it asks for very few permissions.
- What permissions does the application require?
The app needs basic permissions like Storage, Location, and Photos/Media/Files.
- Which android version does it require?
The application is compatible with android version 5.0 and above.
- Does the app have a dark mode?
The app does have a dark mode.
Download the MoboReader App
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