Yoga App Review
There are tons of Yoga app on the app store. But Oak is special, it not only teaches you the traditional meditation techniques practiced for centuries, it also helps you time it. Oak App covers following areas in the app :
[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””][one_third]Meditation:
We offer guided meditations from both male and female instructors. Choose a session duration from 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 minutes in length.[/one_third][one_third]Breathing:
Try our pranayama yogic breathing exercises to create a sense of calm and relaxation.[/one_third][one_third_last]Wisdom:
Looking for a dose of wisdom? Check out our Wisdom section full of audio and video content from Alan Watts.[/one_third_last][/box]
The app is garnering attention and talk show host Jimmy Fellon also twitted this about the app :
I’m into this meditation app and it’s free!! #Oak
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) November 2, 2017
This Youtube video from the official Oak App channel describes the concept beautifully:-
This app is complete free and only available on Apple App Store. You can read a detailed post by Kevin Rose here.
[button color=”blue” align=”aligncentre” size=”big” link=”″ icon=”” target=”true” nofollow=”true”]Download Oak App from Apple App Store.[/button]